
Friday, September 23, 2016

Glamorous Gymnastics


This term over the past 8 weeks, every Wednesday we do gymnastics in the school hall. We had two coaches one boy named Kane and one girl named Kylie. We even had a guest coach called Teddy. Room 8 learned 7 different skills and technique about gymnastics. My favourite part was everything.

These are the things that we learned:

Statics:Staying still or keeping your balance.

Landing:Landing safely in a motorbike.

Swing and spring: The playground is swing because it has monkey bars. A spring board is spring because you can jump on it.

Rotation: When you do a half turn and full turn.

Locomotion: Moving around in different ways.

Manipulation: Moving things with your body.

TriStar website=

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Art Festival

Last week our school had an art festival. Every one in the school had a piece of art to present. Our class made photo joiners to present with QR codes at the bottom. The QR codes linked to this presentation at the bottom for everyone to see how we made our joiners both physical and digital. The other presentation is about David Hockney. David Hockney is the person who inspired us. We also did some re-search on his art work. Check out my presentations. I would love to see lots of comments on my blog. Thanks for reading! BYE