
Monday, December 12, 2016

Final 2016 Blog Post

Hi there blogging world,

Thank you for coming to visit my learning blog. This will be my last post because I am going on holiday. I have enjoyed using this blog to share my learning with you all. I hope you have enjoyed reading about my learning too. 

Blog you later,

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Novel Study

Novel Study

A novel study is when you read a book a book and study on it then reflect on it. I read "The Secret Of Jelly Mountain." The book was very interesting but I didn't finish the whole thing in time. I think it was because I had so many production lines to remember.

It was both digital and physical. We made a title page on a white paper and them made a slide that we used to reflect on. It talked about the characters, plot or story line, favourite moment, Opinion PMI, Interview, illustration, acrostic poem and what happened in the end.Take a look at my slide. Hope you like it.
Post you later!



This week we learned about toys, how they work and what there momentum is. We went to on a trip to  ( ) Motat to see some different toys. We made our own toys that had to have a mechanism or something electrical.

We went in buddies and chose 1 or 2 toys. My friend ( / Margaret) and I went in buddies and made 2 toys, a double sided maze and a speed boat. My idea was a speed boat and hers was a maze. ( For the maze)We aren't quite done because we still have to glue them together and put the glad wrap on. Take a look at the photos.

I think both the maze and the boat will work. We had to use team work and help each other so that we could get it close to finish. We are we are very proud of ourselves and what we have done.
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